
Arm Lift, Is This Procedure Right For You?


Many people who have undergone high-volume weight loss experience loose skin in the upper arm area. The bagginess of the upper arm, especially when severe, can create a batwing-like appearance and can be the cause of much embarrassment and self-consciousness.

Is this procedure right for you?
Patients seeking an arm lift generally have baggy, loose arms, which can cause irritation and wear down the skin under the arms or prevent them from being able to wear sleeveless clothing.

What does brachioplasty entail?
Each case is unique. Some patients require removal of skin and fat, and some only need liposuction. If you have had a significant weight loss, you will probably want removal of some skin.

Will I have any scarring?
​This surgery does leave a scar from the armpit to inner elbow, in the area closest to the body when arms are at your sides.

Where will the surgery take place?
An arm lift can be done in a hospital but is generally performed in our office or an outpatient surgery center.

What will I need to do before surgery?
If you smoke, you will need to stop smoking far ahead of the procedure; smoking increases the risk of complications and poor healing, as it adversely affects blood circulation in the skin. You will also need to avoid getting too much sun or going on a strict diet prior to surgery.

What should I expect from the post-surgery recovery period?
Recovery will take between one and three weeks, depending on your body’s natural healing ability and the extent of the surgery. While gentle exercise will help the healing process, patients should avoid strenuous activity until they are no longer experiencing discomfort. Most patients can return to normal activity within three weeks.

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