
BBL and Lipo 360 Miami

Introducing the potent combination of BBL and Lipo 360 at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery, now available to our valued clients. In this article, we’ll provide you with all the information you need about this combined procedure, from costs and recovery time to the specific steps involved. And make sure you stick around until the end of the article, where we’ll reveal some special offers just for you.

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BBL and Lipo 360 Miami

What is BBL and Lipo 360?

BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) and Lipo 360 are cosmetic procedures that aim to reshape and enhance the body’s appearance.

BBL is a procedure that takes fat from specific parts of the body, like the abdomen, hips, or thighs, and transfers it to the buttocks. This helps increase their size and gives them a better shape.

Lipo 360 is a type of liposuction that removes extra fat from around the waistline. This is done all the way around the body, creating a slimmer and more defined waist.

Most often, BBL and Lipo 360 are done together. This is because the areas where Lipo 360 removes fat are perfect for the BBL procedure. Plus, doing them together allows the body to be shaped all at once. This combination makes the body look naturally curvy and slim at the same time.

Popular Combination Procedures with BBL + Lipo 360

Procedure Average Price Range Description
Tummy Tuck + BBL and Lipo 360 $7,000 – $12,000 This combination targets the midsection, waist, buttocks, and stomach. It includes the slimming effects of Lipo 360, the enhancement of BBL, and the added tightening of a tummy tuck.
Plus Size Lipo 360 and BBL $5,000 – $8,000 This procedure is customized for plus size individuals looking to enhance their curves. It incorporates Lipo 360 and BBL to remove excess fat and contour the body, accentuating the natural curves.
Lipo 360 with BBL and Breast Augmentation $7,000 – $10,000 In addition to the body sculpting of Lipo 360 and the enhancement of BBL, this combination includes a breast augmentation for a complete body transformation.
Lipo 360 + BBL and J Plasma $7,000 – $9,000 J Plasma is a skin tightening treatment that can be added to the BBL and Lipo 360 combo, offering a more comprehensive transformation. It’s perfect for those looking to eliminate loose or sagging skin in addition to reshaping the body.
Lipo 360 + BBL and Hips $5,000 – $9,000 This combo not only provides the slimming and enhancing effects of Lipo 360 and BBL but also includes additional fat grafting to the hips for a more balanced, hourglass figure.
Please note that these are average price ranges and the final cost can vary based on individual circumstances and specific requirements. For an accurate estimate, consult with our experienced surgeons at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery.
Doctors performing Brow Lift surgery

BBL and Lipo 360 Procedure

Interested in how the BBL and Lipo 360 procedure works? We’ve broken down the essentials in a straightforward guide to help you understand each step of this transformative process.

  1. Consultation: Start with a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. Discuss your goals, learn about the procedures, and ask any questions you might have.

  2. Anesthesia: On the day of the procedure, you’ll first be put under general anesthesia to ensure your comfort throughout the process.

  3. Lipo 360: The surgeon will begin with the Lipo 360 procedure. This involves removing excess fat from around the waistline, 360 degrees around, using a special tool called a cannula.

  4. Fat Purification: The removed fat is then processed and purified to prepare it for transfer.

  5. BBL: The purified fat is skillfully injected into your buttocks to enhance their size and shape, achieving the Brazilian Butt Lift.

  6. Recovery: After the surgery, you’ll experience some swelling and discomfort which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. A compression garment will be given to you to wear for several weeks, aiding the healing process and helping shape your new figure.

Please note that both BBL and Lipo 360 are significant surgical procedures and entail some risks. It’s crucial to choose a qualified plastic surgeon and thoroughly discuss your expectations beforehand. Remember, patient safety and satisfaction are our top priorities at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery. Schedule your consultation today to take the first step towards your transformation!

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift

BBL and Lipo 360 Cost in Miami

The cost of a combined BBL and Lipo 360 procedure in Miami typically ranges from $4,500 to $7,500. It’s important to note that this estimate can fluctuate based on various factors. These include the volume of fat to be removed, the surgeon’s skill level and reputation, the surgical facility used, and other costs like preoperative care and postoperative essentials such as compression garments. For the most accurate cost estimate, it’s best to consult directly with a qualified plastic surgeon at Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery.

Why does combining BBL and Lipo 360 result in cost savings?

When it comes to plastic surgery, efficiency is key. BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) and Lipo 360 procedures go hand in hand, both in terms of the physical results they produce and the operational aspects of combining them into a single session. Here’s why having them together can be more economical:

  1. Operating Room and Anesthesia Costs: These two procedures can be done in one session, which means you only pay once for the operating room and anesthesia. If done separately, you would have to pay these costs twice.

  2. Recovery Time: Recovery time is crucial as it can mean taking time off work or hiring help for daily tasks. By combining the procedures, you only need to go through one recovery period, reducing lost wages and additional expenses.

  3. Medical Exams and Consultations: Preoperative tests and consultations are generally required for each separate procedure. When combined, these are done once, reducing the total cost.

  4. Reduced Surgeon’s Fees: Often, when procedures are combined, surgeons will offer a reduced rate as it is more efficient for them to perform multiple procedures in one session.

In summary, combining BBL and Lipo 360 in Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery not only offers aesthetic benefits but also significant cost savings. However, it’s important to discuss this with your surgeon to make sure you understand all the details and are making the best decision for your health and desired results. Stay tuned for our upcoming specials that will make this combined procedure even more affordable!

How to Finance a BBL and Lipo 360 in Miami

Miami Lakes Cosmetics offers very convenient payment terms. If you’re interested in this surgery but can’t currently pay for the whole amount at once, you can apply for credit payment options on our website. Submit an online application and check if you’re eligible for this credit by providing us with some essential information.




united medical credit

How to prepare for Lipo 360 and BBL

To prepare for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and Lipo 360, you should:

  1. Maintain a stable weight: Significant weight fluctuations can affect the results of your surgery.

  2. Stop smoking: Smoking can impede healing and increase the risk of complications.

  3. Avoid certain medications: Certain medications such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and vitamin E can increase the risk of bleeding. Your surgeon will give you a list of medications to avoid before surgery.

  4. Hydrate yourself: Proper hydration helps with healing and reduces swelling.

  5. Get a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation: A pre-operative evaluation by your surgeon will ensure that you are healthy enough for surgery and that you understand the procedure, potential risks, and recovery process.

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully before and after the procedure to ensure the best possible results.


What Happens After? How Does the Recovery Process Go?

Focusing on the recovery process is critical because it is directly proportional to the final results. When you fail to follow your surgeon’s guidelines, you will experience complications, including Liposuction Scars, embolism, fat necrosis, infections, and seromas. 

Tips for Recovery

Recovering from lipo 360 with BBL requires careful planning and preparation. Your surgeon will ask you to wear compression garments to tighten your skin and support your movement without disrupting the incision sites. 

A compression garment is also an excellent option for patients with poor blood circulation. Our board-certified surgeon in Miami recommends wearing a compression garment for three to six weeks. 

Moreover, avoid uncomfortable clothing because it can harm the transferred fatty tissues, irritate your skin, and lead to other complications. Experts recommend undergoing body and lymphatic massages to prevent blood/fluid accumulation. 

At the same time, massage promotes blood flow to the incision sites and speeds up recovery. A lymphatic massage improves your skin appearance, prevents fluid accumulation, and promotes proper healing. Other things to consider are:

  • Avoid strenuous activities 
  • Take shorter walks 
  • Do not smoke or consume alcohol 
  • Keep the incision clean and dry 
  • Drink water and fruit juices to hydrate your body
  • Eat fruits and veggies to receive more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • Apply antibacterial ointment or cream to prevent infections 

Who is a Good candidate for BBL and Lipo 360?​

A good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) and Lipo 360 is typically someone who:

  1. Is in good physical health: You should have no underlying medical conditions that could increase the risk of surgery or impede healing.

  2. Has realistic expectations: It’s important to have a clear understanding of what the procedure can and cannot do, and to have realistic expectations for the results.

  3. Has enough fat to transfer: BBL involves removing fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the buttocks. You should have enough fat in other areas to harvest for the procedure.

  4. Has skin that is not excessively loose or saggy: Good skin elasticity is important for a successful BBL.

  5. Is a non-smoker: Smoking can impede healing and increase the risk of complications.

It’s important to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if you are a good candidate for a BBL and Lipo 360. Your surgeon will take into consideration your medical history, physical exam, and your goals and expectations to determine if the procedure is right for you.

Consult With Your Miami Surgeon Before the Procedure

Lipo 360 with BBL is one of the trendiest cosmetic procedures worldwide, allowing men and women to remove stubborn fat deposits from their abdomen, flanks, waist, and love handles and achieve a healthier, bigger, curvier, and fuller butt. 

We have years of experience performing cosmetic procedures, including lipo 360 with BBL. Our surgeons are board-certified, experienced, and skilled to streamline the entire process to help you achieve the desired results. Call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday to Friday for more information on our services.


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Frequently asked questions

Your surgeon will make smaller incisions during the lipo 360 with BBL, meaning you will experience scar formation. However, the scar is no more than a few millimeters long and fades over time.

Risks associated with lipo 360 and BBL are bruising, infections, blood clots, bleeding, cardiovascular complications, deep vein thrombosis, fat embolism, necrosis, and seromas. Pain, discomfort, bruising, numbness, tenderness, and swelling are short-term risks associated with lipo 360 and BBL.

It varies from patient to patient because each person is unique. However, you can expect the initial results within three to four weeks of the surgery. It takes six to eight months to see the final results, achieving curvier, perkier, and well-contoured buttocks.

Sleeping after lipo 360 with BBL is one of the most significant challenges for patients. However, you can sleep on your side and use pillows to support your body. You can also use a bed with a hole to prevent pressure on your butt.

Sleeping on your back or front/stomach can lead to complications after lipo 360 with BBL. So, you should sleep on your side for at least two to three months to streamline the recovery process. 

Although there is no age limit to getting a BBL, most surgeons say the candidate must be between 20 and 55 years old.

Surgeons advise their patients to avoid sitting or lying for a prolonged period because this puts pressure on their backside. You should use a BBL pillow for at least two to four weeks.


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