

Most frequent questions and answers.

People evaluating whether or not they want plastic surgery have numerous options available that can help them decide. At Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery we offer free consultations with no obligation that allow patients to discuss procedures and the results they deliver. Ultimately the decision is a personal one. You should not consider plastic surgery if you are not in good general health, or if you have not thoroughly considered what plastic surgery involves. 

Contrary to what some believe, the term plastic surgery does not mean inserting plastic or making someone appear plastic through surgery. Instead, it means using surgical procedures to restore or alter one’s appearance. The wide array of options and transformative nature of these procedures led to them being called plastic surgery – as plastic is flexible and can take many forms.

Plastic surgery patient results can vary depending on the level of care taken during recovery, or the way their body reacts to the procedure. As with all medical procedures there can be no guarantees. Taking the time to be as informed as possible about the procedure you are considering greatly contributes towards having a successful and positive experience.

Are you certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?

Specifically ask which board the physician is certified by. Only the American Board of Plastic Surgery is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialities.

Do you have hospital privileges to perform plastic surgery?

Hospital review committees evaluate a surgeon’s training to ensure they are competent to perform specific procedures. While your procedure may be performed in the doctor’s office it is important to know whether your physician is recognized by an accredited hospital.

Ensure that any facility (office-based or outpatient) where you might be having plastic surgery is accredited. This is not required by most states, however if your physician has voluntarily applied to an accrediting body such as the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, then you know the facility has met strict requirements for quality and standards of care. 

As with any medical or surgical procedure, there are risks to be aware of. Inquire what the risks associated with your procedure are, and how they are handled if they occur.

Qualified plastic surgeons will offer excellent post-operative care that supports their patient’s recovery. The time required to recover from plastic surgery varies from procedure to procedure. Your surgeon should be able to provide you with estimated recovery time(s) based on their experience. 

Some surgeries require additional procedures depending on patient satisfaction and overall results. Inquire about any additional costs that may be associated with needing to return, and how this is handled by the surgeon and the plastic surgery clinic.

Plastic surgery costs can include surgeon’s fees, pre and post operative evaluations, and in some cases medical garments to assist recovery (depends on procedure performed). Payment is typically required in advance, and you will want to be assured when making your decision that all related fees are discussed ahead of time to avoid surprises.

The field of plastic surgery relates to procedures that can involve both a person’s ability to function, as well as their general appearance. Procedures performed by plastic surgeons can be grouped into two large categories. Reconstructive surgery covers such things as surgery to correct congenital defects of the hands or face (i.e., cleft palates). Cosmetic surgery relates to aesthetic problems identified by patients and operated on by a surgeon. This includes breast augmentation, liposuction, nose jobs, face lifts, etc.

Cosmetic, or aesthetic surgery specifically pertains to an elective surgical procedure to alter a part of someone’s body they are not satisfied with.

Dermatologists are doctors specializing in the treatment of skin disorders. Plastic surgeons have an equally important role when it comes to maintaining the health and attractive appearance of someone’s skin. In addition to performing skin resurfacing techniques, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, and eliminating pigment concentrations in the skin, plastic surgeons perform reconstructive surgery for patients who have had a large section of their skin damaged by trauma or illness.

Procedures Related

We sat down with Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery’s pre-operative manager, to discuss the questions her department gets asked most frequently by patients.

“Our patients ask all sorts of questions, some stranger than others! We get asked about piercings, waxing, sex, we have heard it all! I love that our patients feel open enough to ask us even the most embarrassing questions, that’s why we are here!”

Some procedures can be combined as is the case with a Mommy Makeover, where a Tummy Tuck can be combined with a breast lift, reduction or implants.

Procedures involving liposuction can’t be combined with any other, such as BBL, because for safety, we are restricted to extracting a maximum of 1 liter of fat, which may not be enough to achieve the desired results.

Plastic surgery as a science has evolved to the point that plastic surgeons can place incisions where they are virtually invisible. Minor scarring is inevitable however by using natural creases in the body, or placing incisions in places like armpits or along patient’s hair lines, physicians reduce the appearance of scars.

Miami Lakes Plastic Surgery offers numerous options for women seeking to improve the appearance of their breasts. Breast implants, breast lifts, and breast reductions are the most common. Women choosing to have a breast enlargement procedure completed by a skilled board certified plastic surgeon have a variety of incision sites and implant types to choose from. A breast lift can restore patient’s breasts to a better position and results are generally excellent. Breast reductions can relieve discomfort for women who’s overly large breasts are causing them pain and who want to appear more properly proportioned. 

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure intended to correct problem areas or bulges of fat on a patient. It is not intended to be used for weight loss. Patients will experience an improvement in their overall shape, versus a drastic decrease in their weight. Common areas for liposuction include the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Men may also elect to have liposuction in their breast area. Other areas could include the upper arms, buttocks, or under the chin. 

The results of liposuction are long-lasting in patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle including exercise and proper nutrition. Any fat that is gained post-procedure will be distributed evenly over the rest of the body versus in the pre-operative trouble spot. Scarring is minimal as the incisions required for liposuction are very small and are placed in areas of the body that make them difficult to notice.

Some vitamin supplements cause bleeding, while others may impede recovery. Patients should not take any vitamin supplements in the weeks leading up to surgery.

Sure! As long as you use protection! Surgeons require patients to stop using or remove birth control methods, putting patients at a higher risk for pregnancy in the 30 days leading up to surgery. Please enjoy, but use a condom!

The hemoglobin in your blood carries oxygen. Since you will lose some blood with your surgery it’s important to know that you’re at a safe level before surgery. Most healthy people have hemoglobin from 12.0-15.0 and most people will feel to be reasonably safe for surgery it should be above 12.0.

The most common reason for low hemoglobin is not enough iron in your diet. Taking a vitamin with about 18mg. of iron will keep most people within normal levels. If you’re out of normal range we suggest you consult your regular doctor to see if they feel you need to do more to see why it’s low. If no other problems are found the usual first and easiest thing to do is increase the iron in your diet. It usually takes some time to see a significant improvement.

We understand that patients like to have their “ducks in a row” so they don’t have any details to take care of during recovery; however we do not issue prescriptions for pain killers until patients are on their way home.

Anyone can pay on your behalf as long as you provide their email, they complete the necessary documents via docusign, and send a photo of their ID and photo of their credit card front and back. If paying in person, they simply have to be present and provide the credit card and a valid photo ID.

It depends on the surgeon, for the most part, the day of surgery. Pre operative consultations may be done with another surgeon, or other medical staff. The day of surgery, patients have a full consultation with the surgeon performing the procedure.

  • Comfortable, loose fitting clothing you are willing to part with, since it may get stained with blood. Go up a size from your current dress size to accommodate swelling, and to make it easier to disrobe. The best are the kind that button from the front since mobility of the arms may be difficult due to pain and swelling, especially if having procedures of the breasts.
  • Comfortable and stable shoes which slip on and off. Patients following surgery can’t bend over to tie shoes, or force their feet in and out of shoes.
  • Extra towels and sheets to protect your car, furniture, and bed. Bleeding is normal after a surgery. Protect your belongings by having extra towels which can be disposed of afterwards.
  • Soft healthy foods, low in sodium. After surgery patients can become constipated, or feel queasy. Stock the pantry with soups, jello, fresh fruit and vegetables. NO MILK, NO DAIRY!
  • Water and sports drinks. It is imperative patients rehydrate after surgery. Not only to flush the anesthesia, and ease constipation, but to support the healing process. Patients should drink about 2 gallons of water a day following surgery.
  • Arnica cream: It relieves pain, bruising, swelling, and helps wounds heal faster.

Please do not wax in preparation for surgery. Since hot wax removes a superficial layer of skin, it makes patients susceptible to infections. We encourage patients to shave thoroughly.

Surgery times are confirmed the afternoon before the surgery, sometimes late in the evening.

The comfortable clothing and shoes we mentioned previously. Patients must bring a buddy with them; to escort them home. Lastly, patients must bring extra money for unforeseen expenses. Patients must pay for a day-of urinalysis, and may wish to purchase additional compression garments, and other unforeseen expenses.

Metal piercings such as hoops or barbells must be removed or replaced with silicone or plastic rings. Dermal piercings must be removed and fully healed prior to surgery.

Please do not. Tattoos must be fully healed prior to surgery.

Artificial nails and finger nail polish must be removed prior to surgery because the color of the finger nails is indicative of the level of oxygen in the blood, in the event of a sudden loss in oxygen level, the nails turn blue. Aside from blocking the medical team’s view of the color of your nail, a probe is placed on the fingertip to monitor the blood oxygen level; the probe can’t read through nail polish or artificial nails.

The time usually depends on the complexity of the procedure. Below is a list of the average length of our most popular surgeries:

  • Brazilian Butt Lift —– 2.5 hours
  • Breast Lift (Masto) —– 3 hours
  • Mommy Makeover —– 4.5 hours
  • Breast Implants —– 1 hour
  • Tummy Tuck —– 1.5 hours
  • Liposuction —– 2 hours

Avoid overly processed unhealthy foods which cause inflammation such as refined carbohydrates (bread), fried fatty foods, junk food, foods high in sodium. Instead, opt for foods with anti-inflammatory properties, such as salmon, avocado, fresh fruits and vegetables (NOT canned!) fresh spices such as turmeric, oregano, and ginger. Eat plenty of dark leafy greens which are chock full of antioxidants. Stay away from sodium and salty foods at all costs, and don’t forget to drink 2 gallons of water.

Plan on staying in Miami at least a week after the surgery, as thee is at least one follow up appointment. More specific information for out of town patients including travel time frames can be seen HERE

“We encourage patients to be honest and open with the pre-operative team regarding their lifestyle and medical conditions. We are by no means here to judge, our priority is to ensure patient safety during and each procedure. Make a list of questions and email or call us. Our department motto is: An informed patient is a happy patient.”